I really cannot believe that I’ve finished up sessions for our class of 2020 senior model/influencers. This class has been phenomenal and so much fun to work with and my favorite part is how many of them have been in the program for, not one, but TWO years.
One of those early add-ins to the group was Courtney and it’s been a real pleasure to create her photographs over this time and to get to watch her really blossom in her last few years of high school right in front of the camera. Ok I’m getting mushy but I swear these girls become young women right in front of my lens and it’s really such a wonderful part of my job that I get to be a part of that.
Alright, on with the images!!! Let’s take a look back at Courtney’s time over the past two years and a look inside her album which is now being beautifully printed and hand-bound and will be headed our way in just days.

Congratulations on graduation Courtney, I know you’ll do great in the next chapter too.