Oh EM Gheee. You’re just about DONE with all things high school. That’s kind of crazy, and exciting! But graduation feels busy, and hectic, and are you missing anything? Well, we’re here with a quick check list of a few fun additions to your graduation festivities….
- Grad Swag… 2020 took a lot of things from us but it also gave us a few things and a favorite of mine is grad swag. Yard/door/decor swag that is! We use our yards to celebrate political candidates and the folks who mow our lawns or paint our houses so why in the heck are we not using our yards to celebrate our grads?!!? Well, from now on, we are!

And new this year we’ve got 10 packs of signs so you can share the love with grandparents and celebrate and show off your senior from the beginning (go on, send over those baby photos!).
Oh, and front doors too…. these 3×6′ banners can include 1-4 images and are the perfect party decor. They include 4 grommets to make hanging easy. Having your party at an event center? We’ve seen seniors hang these horizontally in the yard to make finding your party easy and exciting for your guests!

2. Grad invites (but wait, don’t forget the thank you cards & stationary too!). It’s true, we usually think about and plan for graduation invitations or announcements. And those basics are key but what about custom thank you cards or even better, envelopes and return address labels. I LOVE making your cards a complete experience for everyone you receives them!
3. Cap & Gown Images! It’s a milestone, ya’ll. We have FREE cap & gown sessions available at the studio May 10th (BOOK HERE) and more availability with Lisa (bookable here) for just $45. Plus, all grad sessions include up to 50% off digital & small prints.

4. Party snacks. Ok a good party (and celebration) can’t be all about the swag, I know. So today I’m also sharing with you my two favorite party dip recipes. One, that’s literally two ingredients for a last minute addition and one that you’ll be snacking on before it even makes it to the table.
First up, when you’re out of ideas and need just something else on the table (or just aren’t a cook) you cannot go wrong with Harry & David Onion and Pepper relish over cream cheese. This ‘receipe’ is about as simple as it gets… 1. spread 1 tub/package of cream cheese all along bottom of plate/platter/bowl. 2. spread jar of onion and pepper relish on top. DONE
Next up, onion bagel dip! OMG I’m salivating just writing this. What you need (this one is a bit more involved):
- Everything or Onion or Plain Bagels (cut into 1in ish pieces – for easy little dipping triangles)
- 1 cup sour cream
- 1 cup mayo (whatever kind you like)
- Accent Seasoning (measure with your heart but taste along the way because it’s SALTY)
- Chopped green onions (I like a lot – measure with your heart too)
- 1 jar of dried beef (the single hardest thing to find at the grocery store for the one time you make this each year… not with the meats… tiny glass jar, blue lid, good luck)
Mix all that up, try not to eat it all before the guests arrive.