Today kicks off the first of all our Senior Model feature posts and starting with the lovely Claire! I’ve gotten to photograph her so many times over the past year or more and today you’ll get not only a look at her first senior session but also the fun we had at pop-up sessions leading up to her own session(s).
Starting with her very first session in front of my camera……..

And a few from our adventure to Starved Rock. I’d wanted to shoot there really since we moved to Illinois over a decade ago but it’s so VAST and a lot to explore/hike into so I had never taken the leap but this was the time to do it. This shoot was an extra surprise treat for our models and even our preteam models.

Illinois weather…. unpredictable at best! And while this can sometimes keep us on our toes for your senior session date (no one wants ALLL their senior portraits done in the rain or in 20-30 mph winds after all) but we try to have some fun with it with our models each year with sessions in rain/shine/sun and SNOW. Plus, we had some fun in the creek this spring and sunflowers this summer!

But the real deal happens for her senior session(s)… hair/makeup done (by the ever-talented Bre at Dali Bliss!) and all her personal style with a variety of outfits and locations for senior session day one!

And we’re not done yet! More pop-up sessions coming along soon for our 2022 models as well as another full senior session for Claire this fall (at SUNRISE which is going to be beautiful)!!