Nothing can pull at my heartstrings more than the final client pickup as a kiddo ‘graduates’ from their baby grows series. It feels like we’re taking them out of the precious little toddler bubble and sending them out into childhood to take on a bit more of the world and as we all know to keep on growing faster and faster.
The birth of my own little ladies led to a quick expansion of our ‘Baby Grows’ series because I realized that one year was not enough. SO much changes from 1-2 years old. They seem to become themselves in that time, morphing from a little squishy baby literally toddling through the world bouncing off one thing or another into a little person making choices and testing the limits of their world. They get taller, their little baby cheeks get a bit slimmer and their eyes get a whole lot ornerier (<<< spelled it right the first time, no lie).
This spring not only did I have TWO little boys finishing up their entire series but one of them has a new little sister who just started hers. These kids, and their families, are quite literally my own family’s roots in this community. We planted SJP here 10 years ago and ya’ll have helped grow this little dream into this career and I love you all for it. Keep bringing me these perfect little squishy babies to cuddle too because we are done done done making our own. 😉
Take a look at Jase! I’ve been photographing his family since his older brother Grant was born and I just got to do their largest family portrait yet when they welcomed his litter sister Stella to the family too! It’s been such a joy to watch this family grow. They make some seriously cute kids!

And Hudson…. well omg can I just tell you this kid makes me smile every single time. He’s been smiling from his very first session and I swear it just melts your dang soul! Plus, I’m totally in love with his love for his big sis, she’s got the magic touch and always the best assistant in getting the laughs on session.

And after hanging out with these kids for TWO years we even gift them something special for the wall so they never forget these tiny little moments/expressions.