Can you guys believe it’s SNOWING again today… At least it’s not full blown blizzard 368327 of the year. I’ve said it earlier in the season, I was for sure one of the ones LOVING all this snow. I haven’t worked in the snow this much for YEARS and we had the big fluffy beautiful fluffy kind that stuck around for days which let me just keep shooting in the snow which was SO much fun. But… now I’ve gone over to the dark side with everyone who’s absolutely tired of winter and ready for spring. After 60* this week and SUNSHINE which let me get out and go for a run outside for the first time this year now I’m so over winter and ready for all the sun and warmth (you know until it’s like 82* and I start complaining about being hot hahaha).

The Thomas family was up for an adventure in the snow and I’m so glad they ventured out to join this day of sessions. This was attempt two as the first day we had scheduled sessions was literally snowmageddon and I made the call that everyone needed to stay home safe and we tried again the next day and with perfect results. Not only was there less wind but we got treated with a little bit more snow fall for a gorgeous winter wonderland look.

Is warm weather more up your alley? Do you want a unique look for your family portraits? Spring is the perfect time for BEAUTIFUL family portraits with gorgeous outfits available as Easter looks hit the stores and with fall being the #1 season for portraits, spring gives your family a unique look (like the Thomas family) only far less cold! Our April/May calendars are already filling so give us a call now to start designing your session and feel free to pre-book online HERE.