Today I get to share such a beautiful wedding with you all! I’ve worked with Melanie for years and have had the honor to photograph her family since her girls were like half as tall as they are now. It’s always one of my favorite sessions each year and I look forward to hanging out with these sweet and spunky ladies each time. And now, we’ve added two equally amazing dudes to the mix, which I have to say make it even more fun (me and Ethan are buds, ya’ll).
It was a bit of an adventure as when we first pulled up to the house it was monsooning like crazy but we didn’t let a little (TON of) rain stop us! We busted out the umbrellas and headed to the gazebo at Scovill and embraced the rain. And it cleared enough for us to grab some family portraits outside after the ceremony too (YAY). I’m so happy to have gotten to share this special day with these two (five) amazing people and I cannot wait to watch their littles keep growing.