I love that our website had a fabulous way for us to not only highlight client images but also their words and feedback but as I’ve been busy working on creating images, designing albums and completing the day to day tasks of running the business I’ve not updated our site, and especially the reviews section, as often as I would like. So, it’s time! 
And to make it more fun I’m entering every review we receive TODAY (3/29/15) in a drawing to win some of my favorite things (Starbucks cards, chocolate, coffee mugs, mini sessions and more!).
If YOU are a past client of mine (of any kind; senior, family, kiddo, wedding, corporate, etc) you can message/email me your reviews, comment here on the blog post, or leave reviews on either google or our facebook page!
Here are a few that we’ve gotten in so far! Thank you all for your help updating the website and for all your kind words!