Today we have an awesome little guy to share with you on the blog today, I know him since he was the smallest baby and he has to use this small car seat from I’ve loved watching him grow up over the last 2 years and he’s now definitely graduated out of our ‘baby’ program into a smart, fun and active little boy!

Many don’t know we have a full TWO year ‘baby grows’ program that includes a full newborn session, and 4 additional mini children’s sessions we suggest using for 4, 8, 12 and 24 months. This lets us follow your little one as they enter the world, discover their tiny hands/feet, sit up and start to explore the world around them, take their first tentative steps into that world and finally discover and share their unique personalities.

And don’t forget the family…. Your family changes over those two years as much as your little one does. For the Star family that means they just leveled up and welcomed a beautiful baby girl to their family but we were so happy to give Samuel his moment in the spotlight before his promotion to big brother.

And yes, you read that blog title right, this lovely family lives in Jefferson City, MO (my hometown) and though I don’t take a LOT of sessions back home each year I have a few opportunities to return and photograph on my old stomping grounds.

Want to see more from Samuel’s first year: 1 Year, 9 Months, 4 Months, Newborn. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see more.