Guys, can I let you in on a little secret. The first time I ever photographed twin seniors was a few years ago and I was so worried when they first booked that I would do a whole session and not be able to tell them apart. That I’d mix them up while editing and merge two individual people into one person and that’s absolutely NOT something I wanted to do because they are two people, two individuals with two separate personalities and lives and it’s my job to celebrate and show off BOTH.

Well let me tell you, my worry over this lasted about 45 seconds after meeting those first two seniors! It was SO clear (even with identical twins in that first instance) that those two guys were 100% different people with different styles and personalities and mannerisms etc and, after all, it IS my job to observe and see these subtleties in each of us so doing so in twins was no problem after all. Now, this time around with Makennah & Morgan I was confident that working with them both this year as models would not be a challenge at all and would rather be even more rewarding as I get to work with the whole family to create images that showcase each of these ladies as well as work to create a few images (at the very end of their model experience) of them together to celebrate their sisterhood too.

It’s been such a pleasure to have Makennah on the model team and to get to hang out with her to create images that show off not only how gorgeous she is but to highlight her talents too. So today, I’m thrilled to get to share all those favorite images with all of you guys!

If this looks fun (it is!), we’d love to have you join us for a year-long senior portrait experience as a part of our senior model team. We are now accepting applications for the class of 2020 AND 2021 online at